Two members have completed their training

Bob and David have worked so hard with onsite training, via Zoom sessions.

Bob and David have worked so hard with onsite training, via Zoom sessions.

A superb performance for two new Level 1 helms and Level 2 coaches.

Bob and David have worked so hard with onsite training, via Zoom sessions, with all the long hours, the planning, the writing of reports and answering complex questions. Guess what - they did it!

Two shiny, new Level 2 coaches. Thanks to the conscientious effort of Tim William Smith who has coached, cajoled and showed the way. We as a team are so proud of you.

Well done Bob and David you smashed it!

Stay updated with the BWD

Related dragon boating news & events

Read up on some of the latest news and events relating to dragon boating and any announcements we’ve made related to our club.

Sherborne Country Fair

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