Three chemo reclining chairs donated to Bournemouth Hospital

Hilary started a 'GoFundMe' page to raise funds to buy one more reclining chemo chair for the Jigsaw Unit at Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

Hilary started a 'GoFundMe' page to raise funds to buy one more reclining chemo chair for the Jigsaw Unit at Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

SMASHED IT! Not one but three reclining chairs - An Unbelievable Achievement!

A fortnight ago, whilst having chemotherapy (chemo), Hilary was given a comfortable reclining chair where she could put her legs up and relax for the first time whilst having the treatment, where she even started to nod off. It made such a huge difference sitting/lying comfortably rather than sitting on an upright hard chair that Hilary started to think about how she could buy another chair.

Whilst receiving treatment, Hilary started a 'GoFundMe' page to raise funds to buy one more reclining chemo chair for the Jigsaw Unit at Royal Bournemouth Hospital. They currently have ten chemo bays and only four nice reclining chairs, so most patients have to use the hard chairs, where you can be sat there for hours, sometimes all day. These chairs are the soft reclining type that will make enduring chemo much easier for everyone who needs it.

Currently, Hilary has raised enough to buy three chairs now! Through the hospital's advice, Hillary made a tax claim on the money raised,  contributing the amount toward the fourth chair.

A big thanks to Jenni at Ocura, the supplier, who agreed on a fantastic price.

I have more than reached my goal and need to rest now. Thank you to everyone that has supported this course.

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